Last show - December 2009
After all the good times and bad times we had, we finally decided to break up after 13 years together. Thanks to every bands that we played with, Every labels and people we worked with, Every kids that come to our shows to support us, we will miss that.
At some point when a band getting well known they decided to give up on that, maybe they just tired. That's what we had been through. We had so much fun together as a band. As our aim and mission had been accomplished. Its just sad that some countries that we didn't discover yet. We never gave up as an individuals that embrace these positive political values around us. All we wanted to achieve is to make kids sing together believe in every way that HC has its reasons at the same time make a change in our community and corrupted society.
Second combat is always a big issues from now and then. As everything always a problem to us eventhough its seems minor to you when bands hate bands, scene hate scene, people hate people its pretty obvious we had it in our scenes. But why does this still happening? Since we had watch and learn to what happens in Palestine, Afghanistan, India or Indonesia, or some other part of the world that racism will burn us down. When un-ordinary people were cast away because of their differences? We need to think this over. Theres too many things we wanna talk about as we standup for the kids, for the people, the environment, and for the animals.We want people to listen to us and to learn. Take a look to whats going on in the world instead of worrying about what's the latest trends might be. As the society look us a garbages which screaming for nothing as they prefer their children to hangout at the night clubs at every weekends.
We did not gave up as an individual and our principles as we are still straightedge and we still vegetarian. Maybe we start as a punk band and end as a punk band eventually its all in the same category. We needed a rest after the non stop shows and tours we had. We still here to support other bands and organize a good shows. We will try to make a comeback someday. Please bear with us.
Thanks for all the hatred, rumors, shit talking, backstabbing we had between friends. We still have time until DECEMBER so you can either throw anything or any comments to us before our last show.Write your testimony here for the last time.
Thank you so much.
Haha, rethink your values man! what is POSI and what is optimism. The scene eats itself up. But only the strong minded remain and persevere. It sucks with all the stupid backstabbing, cock talking and the most ironic thing is most of these kids are 'straightedge' materialistic, egoistic and full of shit, whats up with that? I won't deny that other hardcore kids can be too. But no body's perfect and the main point is we need to keep an open mind while the masses have shallow thoughts. Which is what HxC is all about self persevernce and unity, while SxE is a tinge of that and a lot of 'keeping things clean' values. Values alone is hard to instill, so why bother trying to preach to others while you can't walk the walk, talk is cheap.
Second Combat never really had a general impact on the scene, it was only to the SxE kids, which is quite contradictive to the values you guys portray when performing. Environmental, gender equality, positivity, unity? I don't see much of that.
Despite that, still I respect the time and effort you guys put in the band but I think that maybe you guys should reestablish because we don't have much HxC bands, so with you guys giving up on the band would make the HxC scene a little more quite. Why don't you guys just renew yourselves! See where things went wrong and overcome. Make new music, get a new name and don't give up. Not now but maybe later man. Make sure you guys walk the fucking walk. What ever happened to the saying, I walk fearless with a mind far greater than a fucking fist? Don't get offended alright, I'm just voicing out an opinion.
Thanks for the comment but you should put your name up there... Leave your link to your page maybe..? At least we can be friends later and have something to talk about. Not many of the kids nowadays like to talk about this....! yeah... No offended at all...! Cheers....!
it was true.why not all people see another stranger as their friend?are this things hard to practice at the show?huhu
keep it real in what ever you are into it ... this is not the end .. well it juz started .. long live to second combat .. gone but never forgothen ..
they come and go like sloppy joe's trendy cousin
sincerely yours,bobo(my intelligent alter ego)
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